Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Pretty Cool!

Well, my day started of peachy.  Every Wednesday I open at the rec at 5:45 in the flippin morning.  Lately, like the past 3 weeks or so I have been getting there about 10 minutes late.  I got written up for it today. YAY.  It's not a big deal or anything it just kinda sucks.  BUT, I got some free Clif bars so that totally cancelled out my write up.  I really do need to work on my timing for Wednesdays but, 5:45...seriously?  Anyway, I'm really excited because I get to go home tomorrow!  Normally, I would have had to wait until Friday but a really awesome friend/co-worker of mine picked up my closing shift!  It took some bribing but he finally gave in...muhahaha.  My 2:00 class got cancelled today so I literally have nothing to do for the rest of the day!!!  So, I take back my sarcastic comment about my day being peachy.

So, I've heard about this really awesome fitness expo that takes place on March 19.  It's basically an all day event where new, trendy, fitness classes are offered.  Classes like Zumba, Hoop Dance, Balletone, etc.  Not only are classes offered but there will be food! YAY!  I'm really excited about this and I hope I can find someone to go with me:)

Ok, so on a completely different note.  I don't think I'm going to be taking any summer classes because I will be in Alaska visiting my brother.  Summer 1 ends at the beginning of my trip and Summer 2 starts at the end of my trip.  However, my advisor said that if I don't take summer school ever again I'll still graduate in 4 semesters so, I'm not worried about it.  It's actually "pretty cool."<---The Miley Cyrus show on SNL.
This is where I will be spending almost 2 weeks of my summer :)

SNL "The Miley Cyrus Show"
It's kinda annoying after a while but I think she does a good job of sounding like Miley.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Boo Boo Face

I had a little rant about how sicky poo I am but in the editing process I accidently deleted it.  So, just pretend you read it. :)

On a less whiny note, I just have to get through, not counting today, 2 more days of school before I'm home free for spring break!!  A lot of my friends are going to South Padre, I too was once involved in these plans, but I'm homesick and tired and just ready to get my butt home for a nice, long, relaxing week.  I will be in San Marcos from Monday-ish to Wednesday-ish.  I'm bringing my best friend in the entire world to visit Texas State.  She's really like my little sister and, I really hope she ends up in the good ole hill country next fall.
Here are a few things I miss very much right about now:
My pops.

..and my mom. I don't have a picture of her by herself and, I really wanted to use this picture of my dad.

Snow Days :)

Dynamo Games!!

ok, and my momma!!

Tehe, sorry if this post was a downer, oops.

Maybe this will cheer everyone up!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Ok, so, I was reading one of my BEST friend's blog and she reminded me of something that I wanted to do in a post...a list of my FAVORITE things!  I was literally just thinking about doing something like this and then she did it...she can read minds. NBD.

MY FAVORITES (in no particular order) -
1.  My dog Charlie!

^^Isn't he presh??^^

2.  When class gets cancelled (I know, I'm such a scholar)
3.  Lululemon- I think I established this in my last post but just in case you didn't get it the first time :)
4.  My brothers!!!!  Gah, I miss these guys so much
5. Sweating.  It's true, I love to sweat.  Oh come on, you know what I mean.  Like, during a work out or some sort of physical activity. 
6.  Austin, TX-I hope to some day make this my permanent residence.
Can't get any better :)
7.  My job.  I know, it's weird.  Most kids don't exactly have a great relationship with their part-timer but, I couldn't be happier with mine.  Sometimes it can suck.  But, for the most part I love it and it's ALL because of the people that I work with so yay!
8.  Delta Gamma
9.  It's kinda funny to admit but I secretly (not secretly anymore) have a thing for those guys..the rock climbing, plaid wearing, scruffy looking, hiking/moutain biking kinda guys.  You can always tell them apart from the others.  They just have a certain look to them.. and "mama like!" <---What the Buck?!  YouTube (Kira, you know what I'm talking about)
^^He might look something like this ^^  He also probably surfs or longboards depending on where he's from and might practice some form of yoga...I don't know.
10.  DANCING!  I definitely feel like i missed my calling.  I feel like I should've been dancing since I was 2.  In all seriousness, I think it is a beautiful art form and if you have been blessed with this gift I am truly envious in the best possible way.  I just wish I was talented in some way because, Scarlett Johansson said it best in the movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona, "I feel like I have so much to express but I'm just not talented."  I don't think those were her exact words but you catch my drift.  Whatevs.

Lo-Fro is my home girl and I wish I could shake it like her.

That basically, is just a short little list-a-roo that I came up with.  There is definitely more that needs to be added but for now that's a wrap people!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Love Me Some Lulu

No, Lulu is not a person...perves.  Lulu is actually short for Lululemon- the most wonderful store I have ever come across.  They sell really amazing workout gear that can literally turn anyone's butt into a donk; they hold the secret to containing the perfect running crop which probably explains why they're so darn expensive.  I first heard about Lululemon last year when I was creeping on some random girl's fitness blog and out of boredom I checked out the online store.  HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!  I quickly exited the website when I saw the outrageous prices.  However, I didn't just dismiss the store all together.  I would go look on the website randomly and pretend like I had the money to buy something.  A year later, I finally built up the courage to make a purchase and I am so glad I did.  They are absolutely UH-MAZING and you should all be jealous!
Here they are!  The Run Inspire Crop which, by the way, literally did inspire me to get my patootie up and running.  They fit like a glove, suck in your jiggly bits, and accentuate your not so jiggly bits.  I would wear them every day if it was socially acceptable.  The only down side is the price tag.  You can own a pair of these babies for a whopping $86.  I know, I know, I know...don't judge!  I don't feel one tiny bit of buyer's remorse either because they are THAT good.  Plus, I've been eyeing them for a very long time so I figured what the heck??  I bought them a month ago and wear them at least twice a week on my runs and even just to school.  So, that's my daily advertisement...try and invest in some Lulu because the company is the bomb. 

Tip of the day: NEVER put out a burning bag with your boot!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hellooooo, I'm a Caaaarrrr

Gasoline is my blood.  Seat knobs.
Alright, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.  Yes, that is Dane Cook's very funny and very original Car Alarm song..check it out on iTunes.

Ok, so I'm a little embarrassed because I've titled this blog "The Runs."  What is this amateur hour??  How could I have made such a rookie mistake?  Lucky for me, and anyone who actually reads this, I actually do enjoy the occasional run, thus you will not have to read about my bowel movements.  You're welcome.  On that note, I ran my first 1/2 marathon last weekend in Austin.  It was the most painful thing and the most awesome thing I have ever done.  Basically, by mile 10 my IT Band was hurtin' like no othaaa!  Here's the run down on the IT Band.  It's basically a group of tissues that start at your hip and run all the way down you thigh and connect at the knee. 
I'm no doctor so don't judge me if that's not 100% accurate.  I literally had "water in my I was cryin," but with a little self-talk I was limpin along to the finish line like a champ.  Marissa-1 ITB Syndrome-Nil...or so I thought.  Talk about wakin up in the morning and NOT feeling like P.Diddy.  My feet hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurt, my hips, EVERYTHING.  On top of all of my aching muscles I also had an aching IT Band.  Marissa-1 IT Band-1...darn it! The bending and straightening of my knee was killer.  Lucky for me I don't currently live in a hilly town (haha..psych!).  Yeah, basically my life sucked walking up and down the stairs of my wonderful campus.
^ ^
Good Ole Alkek
Other than all of those horrible pains I had to endure, the Austin 1/2 Marathon was well worth it, and I'm looking forward to finishing my 2nd 1/2 at The Big D Marathon in April.  Woop Woop!
I'll leave y'all with one final and inspiring picture.
Yay for 4:45 a.m. wake up calls.  I <3 working at the rec.