Sunday, March 6, 2011


Ok, so, I was reading one of my BEST friend's blog and she reminded me of something that I wanted to do in a post...a list of my FAVORITE things!  I was literally just thinking about doing something like this and then she did it...she can read minds. NBD.

MY FAVORITES (in no particular order) -
1.  My dog Charlie!

^^Isn't he presh??^^

2.  When class gets cancelled (I know, I'm such a scholar)
3.  Lululemon- I think I established this in my last post but just in case you didn't get it the first time :)
4.  My brothers!!!!  Gah, I miss these guys so much
5. Sweating.  It's true, I love to sweat.  Oh come on, you know what I mean.  Like, during a work out or some sort of physical activity. 
6.  Austin, TX-I hope to some day make this my permanent residence.
Can't get any better :)
7.  My job.  I know, it's weird.  Most kids don't exactly have a great relationship with their part-timer but, I couldn't be happier with mine.  Sometimes it can suck.  But, for the most part I love it and it's ALL because of the people that I work with so yay!
8.  Delta Gamma
9.  It's kinda funny to admit but I secretly (not secretly anymore) have a thing for those guys..the rock climbing, plaid wearing, scruffy looking, hiking/moutain biking kinda guys.  You can always tell them apart from the others.  They just have a certain look to them.. and "mama like!" <---What the Buck?!  YouTube (Kira, you know what I'm talking about)
^^He might look something like this ^^  He also probably surfs or longboards depending on where he's from and might practice some form of yoga...I don't know.
10.  DANCING!  I definitely feel like i missed my calling.  I feel like I should've been dancing since I was 2.  In all seriousness, I think it is a beautiful art form and if you have been blessed with this gift I am truly envious in the best possible way.  I just wish I was talented in some way because, Scarlett Johansson said it best in the movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona, "I feel like I have so much to express but I'm just not talented."  I don't think those were her exact words but you catch my drift.  Whatevs.

Lo-Fro is my home girl and I wish I could shake it like her.

That basically, is just a short little list-a-roo that I came up with.  There is definitely more that needs to be added but for now that's a wrap people!!

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