Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hellooooo, I'm a Caaaarrrr

Gasoline is my blood.  Seat belts...radio knobs.
Alright, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.  Yes, that is Dane Cook's very funny and very original Car Alarm song..check it out on iTunes.

Ok, so I'm a little embarrassed because I've titled this blog "The Runs."  What is this amateur hour??  How could I have made such a rookie mistake?  Lucky for me, and anyone who actually reads this, I actually do enjoy the occasional run, thus you will not have to read about my bowel movements.  You're welcome.  On that note, I ran my first 1/2 marathon last weekend in Austin.  It was the most painful thing and the most awesome thing I have ever done.  Basically, by mile 10 my IT Band was hurtin' like no othaaa!  Here's the run down on the IT Band.  It's basically a group of tissues that start at your hip and run all the way down you thigh and connect at the knee. 
I'm no doctor so don't judge me if that's not 100% accurate.  I literally had "water in my eyes...like I was cryin," but with a little self-talk I was limpin along to the finish line like a champ.  Marissa-1 ITB Syndrome-Nil...or so I thought.  Talk about wakin up in the morning and NOT feeling like P.Diddy.  My feet hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurt, my hips, EVERYTHING.  On top of all of my aching muscles I also had an aching IT Band.  Marissa-1 IT Band-1...darn it! The bending and straightening of my knee was killer.  Lucky for me I don't currently live in a hilly town (haha..psych!).  Yeah, basically my life sucked walking up and down the stairs of my wonderful campus.
^ ^
Good Ole Alkek
Other than all of those horrible pains I had to endure, the Austin 1/2 Marathon was well worth it, and I'm looking forward to finishing my 2nd 1/2 at The Big D Marathon in April.  Woop Woop!
I'll leave y'all with one final and inspiring picture.
Yay for 4:45 a.m. wake up calls.  I <3 working at the rec. 

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